1) Cost Savings: There is an upfront cost of about $500 to buy all needed materials for cloth diapers. The cloth diapers will last from birth to potty training, and for subsequent children. I heard the average cost of using disposable diapers ranges from $2000 - $5000 per child. That's a huge cost savings worth considering!
2) Better for the Environment: One disposable diaper takes 500 years to decompose. One child will go through at least 5000 diapers from birth to age 3. Multiply that out by 500 years and your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will be born when the diapers you currently use are finally breaking down in the landfills.
3) Less Diaper Rash: Most babies who use cloth diapers experience less diaper rashes, if any at all. Logan had a pretty bad diaper rash the first month of his existence, when he was using disposable diapers. Once we switched to cloth diapers and the rash cleared up, he's been rash free ever since.
4) Cute Colors: Cloth diapers come in all sorts of fun colors and patterns. They are easy to use and just plain cute on his tiny little bottom.
We bought all our cloth diapers from www.diaperjunction.com and www.kellyscloset.com. Check it out!
A note to all husbands out there, who are thinking they would rather pay the extra $4500 for the convenience, I like using them too. Once you get a routine down it's really not bad at all and you feel good about it because you are being a good steward of your money and the environment.
Excellent post hotness!
A note to all husbands out there thinking they would rather pay the extra $4500 for the convenience, I like using them too. Once you get a routine down it’s really not that bad and you feel good about it because you are being a good steward of you money and the environment.
Excellent post hotness!
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