
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Logan is an Elliott

I look at my 3 month old baby and I want him to know (once he speaks English) that he belongs in our home. I want him to feel secure in his place in our family, loved unconditionally and accepted for who he is and who he turns out to be. I want our son to know that he is a gift from the Lord to us, that he was prayed for before he was here, that we welcome him with open arms into our family with joy, gratitude and excitement, and at the same time I don't want him to think that he is the center of the universe. I want him to consider others above himself, yet also respect himself. It's a good thing he is only 3 months right now. It gives me time to figure out how to implement the above ideals....

Friday, May 28, 2010

First Entry

I have never had a blog before. I barely read other people's blogs, let alone ever thought of having my own. My husband convinced me of starting one. I recently quit my full-time job from a public university to stay home with our brand new baby boy. As a creative outlet, I will write posts about the adventures of being a new mom.

The name Soggy Baby came about because it describes our baby very accurately. For being such a cutie, he sure is soggy. He has an impressive amount of spit-up after every meal! For someone who spits up so much, it is a wonder how he continues to gain weight. He not only gains weight, but he gains weight at an impressive rate. For being only 3 months old, he is already 3 pounds heavier and 1 1/2 inches taller than an average baby his age.